Surely, you say, no one would be stupid enough to buy into this trumped up impotence cure. But back in the good ol' 20th century US of A, people did. And on the strength of his popularity Brinkley ran for public office.
Edward Einhorn's newest play The Resistible Rise of J. R. Brinkley brings you the true story of the charlatan who performed this bizarre, stupid, and ineffective impotence cure and achieved a level of success difficult to believe.
Well, maybe not so difficult. Trumped up trumpery even more bizarre, stupid, and ineffective is trumpeted these days, too. And people buy it.
But anyway, I designed and drew the images projected as backdrops for The Resistible Rise of J. R. Brinkley, which runs October 12-28 as part of FringeNYC, this year's New York Fringe festival.
For details on the play, click here.
To purchase tickets, click here.
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