As a guest, I'll be interviewed onstage by Randy Duncan of Henderson State University at 1 pm on Saturday, July 22. We'll primarily be discussing Age of Bronze.
I'll be signing at the IDW booth in the exhibit hall with the artist of Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland, Gabriel Rodriguez. Two signings are scheduled: 4 pm on Friday, July 21, and 10 am on Sunday, July 23.
My regular spot will be in Artist Alley at table BB01. I'm pretty sure that will be right next to the Tower of T-shirts, as usual. I'll be doing sketches and will be selling a bunch of my work, including Age of Bronze, Oz books, Little Nemo, and Santa Claus.
Here's the link to Comic-Con for information about the show: https://www.comic-con.org/cci
Come see me to say hi!
Copyright © 2017 Eric Shanower. All rights reserved.