a as in lap ay as in say e as in bed |
ee as in see eye as in hike g as in get |
i as in sit o as in not oh as in note |
oo as in wool s as in less th as in thick |
u as in us uh as in duh |
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Achaea a-kee-a, roughly the area now known as Greece Achaean(s) a-kee-uhn(z), people of Achaea, roughly modern Greece Achilles a-kil-eez, Achaean son of Peleus and Thetis, prince of Phthia Aeakus ee-a-kus, father of Peleus and Telamon, grandfather of Achilles and Great Ajax Aegina ee-jee-na, Klytemnestra's servant and former nurse Aeneas ee-nee-as, prince of Dardania, cousin of Trojan royal family Aesakus ee-sa-kus, Trojan seer son of Priam and Arisbe Aesyetes ee-seye-ee-teez, father of Antenor Aetolia ee-toh-lee-a, Achaean land ruled by Thoas Agamemnon a-ga-mem-non, king of Mycenae, High King of the Achaeans Aganus a-gay-nus, Trojan son of Paris and Helen Agapenor a-ga-pee-nor, Achaean king of Arcadia Agarista a-ga-ris-ta, Achaean daughter of Philoktetes Agenor a-jee-nor, common ancestor of Hekuba and Helen Agelaus a-je-lay-us, a cattleherd, supposed father of Paris Agyrtes a-jir-teez, Achaean steward of Diomedes Aithra ay-thra, Achaean servant of Helen, mother of Theseus, grandmother of Akamas and Demophoon Ajax (great) ay-jax, Achaean son of Telamon, prince of Salamis Ajax (little) ay-jax, Achaean son of Oileus, king of Lokris Akamas a-ka-mas, Achaean prince of Athens, son of Theseus, grandson of Aithra, brother of Demophoon Alasiya a-la-seye-uh, island now known as Cyprus Alexander a-lek-zan-der, Trojan servant of Pandarus Alkimus al-ki-mus, Achaean companion of Achilles Amyntor a-min-tor, Achaean father of Phoenix (1) Amurru a-moo-roo Anchises an-keye-seez, father of Aeneas, leader of the Dardanians Andromache an-dro-ma-kee, princess of Thebes, wife of Hektor Anius ay-nee-us, king of Delos Antenor an-tee-nor, Trojan elder Antigone an-ti-goh-nee, Trojan cousin of Cressida, daughter of Pandarus Antimachus an-ti-ma-kus, Trojan elder Antiphos an-ti-fus, Achaean companion of Odysseus Antiphus an-ti-fus, from Kos, Achaean grandson of Herakles Aphidnae a-fid-nee, town near Athens that once hid Helen Arachnus a-rak-nus, Achaean mountain overlooking Mycenae Arcadia ar-kay-dee-a, Achaean area ruled by Agapenor, west of Mycenae Archelochus ar-ke-loh-kus, son of Antenor Argissa ar-jis-a, Achaean city ruled by Polypoetes Argo ar-goh, ship in which Jason sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece Argolid ar-go-lid, Achaean area containing the cities Mycenae, Tiryns, and Argos Argos (1) ar-gos, dog of Odysseus Argos (2) ar-gos, Achaean city in the Argolid ruled by Diomedes Ariadne a-ree-ad-nee, Cretan princess carried away by Theseus Arisbe a-riz-bee, Priam's first wife Arkas ar-kas, Achaean servant of Agamemnon Arsinoe ar-sin-oh-ee, Iphigenia's nurse Artemis ar-te-mis, goddess of the hunt and moon Arzawa ar-za-wuh, area south of Troy Askalaphus a-ska-la-fus, Achaean king of Orchomenos Askania as-kayn-ya, city in Phrygia Asklepius as-klee-pee-us, greatest Achaean healer Asphalion as-fay-lee-on, Achaean palace servant of Menelaus Assyria a-si-ree-uh, area east of Troy Astyoche as-teye-o-kee, sister of Priam, wife of Telephus Astyochea as-tee-o-kee-a, mother of Tlepolemus Athena a-thee-na, goddess of wisdom and war Athenian(s) a-theen-yan(z), of the city of Athens Athens a-thenz, Achaean city in Attika, ruled by Menestheus Atlas at-las, a titan Atreus ay-tryoos, father of Agamemnon and Menelaus Attica a-ti-ca, area of Achaea including Athens Auge aw-jee, Achaean mother of Telephus Aulis aw-lis, bay where army assembles Automedon o-to-me-don, Achilles's Achaean charioteer |
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Balius bay-lee-us, chariot horse of Achilles Boeotia bee-o-shuh, area north of Mycenae where Aulis is located Borus bor-us, father of Menesthius, brother-in-law of Achilles Bunomus byoo-noh-mus, second son of Paris and Helen Chalkiope kal-keye-o-pee, grandmother of Antiphus and Phiddipus Chalkis kal-kis, town on the shore of Euboea opposite Aulis Cheiron keye-ron, Kentaur teacher of royal youths including young Achilles Chersidamas kur-si-da-mas, Trojan son of Priam and a secondary wife, Paris's charioteer Chromius kro-mee-us, Trojan son of Priam and Hekuba Chryse kry-see, goddess worshiped on Tenedos Chrysippus kreye-sip-us, son of Pelops, uncle of Agamemnon and Menelaus Chrysothemis kry-so-the-mis, third daughter of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra Cressida kres-i-duh, Trojan daughter of Kalchas, lover of Troilus Cretans kree-tanz, people of the island of Crete ruled by Idomeneus Crete kreet, island kingdon of Idomeneus |
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Danus day-nus, Trojan son of Antenor and Theano Dardania dar-day-nee-uh, kingdom of Anchises Dardanian(s) dar-day-nee-an(z), people of Dardania Dardanian Gate dar-day-nee-an, gate in Troy's southeastern lower city wall Dardanus (1) dar-dan-us, forefather of the Trojan royal family Dardanus (2) dar-dan-us, area ruled by Perseus just southeast of Troy Dares da-reez, Trojan priest Deidamia dee-i-da-meye-uh, eldest daughter of Lykomedes of Skyros Deiphobus de-if-oh-bus, prince of Troy, son of Priam and Hekuba Delos dee-los, island sacred to the Sun God Delphi del-feye, location of the chief Achaean oracle Delphic del-fik, of the oracle at Delphi Demophoon dee-mo-foh-on, prince of Athens, son of Theseus, grandson of Aithra, brother of Akamas Diomedes deye-o-mee-deez, Achaean king of Argos and Tiryns Diores deye-o-reez, father of Automedon Dolopes do-lo-peez, an Achaean tribe Dymas deye-mas, father of Hekuba and Asius |
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Eetion ee-et-e-on, king of Hypoplacian Thebes, father of Andromache Ekhinos e-kee-nos, companion of Odysseus Elais ee-lay-is, one of the three daughters of Anius of Delos Elektra ee-lek-tra, second daughter of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra Ephyra e-fi-ra, Achaean city Epistrophus e-pis-tro-fus, leader of the Halizonians, allied to Troy Epopeus ee-poh-pyoos Esseus es-yoos, Trojan ally from Thrace Eteoneus et-ee-ohn-yoos, servant of Menelaus Euboea yoo-bee-a, Achaean island ruled by Elephenor Eudorus yoo-dor-us, Myrmidon Eumenes yoo-mee-neez, a farmer in Lakedaemon Eupompe yoo-pom-pee, one of Thetis's Nereid "sisters" Europa yoo-roh-puh, mortal girl loved by Zeus Eurotas yoo-roh-tus, river near Sparta Eurybates yoo-rib-a-teez, Achaean herald and comrade of Odysseus Eurypylus yoo-ri-pi-lus, son of Telephus and Astyoche Eurytus yoo-ri-tus, a Kentaur guest at the wedding of Peirithous Evadne e-vad-nee, Trjan handmaid of Cressida Ganymedes ga-ni-mee-deez, Priam's great-uncle taken by the thunder god Gargara gar-ga-ra, highest peak of Mount Ida Glauke glaw-kee, daughter of Kyknos, war-prize of Great Ajax Glaukus glaw-kus, companion of Sarpedon, co-commander of Lykians Guneus goon-yoos, Achaean king of Kyphus Guowaxeus gwo-waks-yoos, a farmer in Lakedaemon |
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Haimos hay-mos, Mysian warrior Halitherses ha-li-ther-seez, Achaean seer of Ithaka Halizonians ha-li-zoh-nee-anz, a people northeast of Troy, Trojan allies Hatti ha-tee, area just east of Troy Hekamede hek-a-mee-dee, female Tenedan captive awarded to Nestor Hektor hek-tor, eldest son of Priam and Hekuba, prince of Troy Hekuba hek-yoo-buh, chief wife of Priam Helen he-len, wife first of Menelaus and then of Paris Helenus he-le-nus, Trojan prince, son of Priam and Hekuba, twin brother of Kassandra Helikaon he-li-kay-on, Trojan son of Antenor, engaged to Laodike Hellespont he-le-spont, strait of water just north of Troy Hemithea he-mi-thee-uh, sister of Tennes Hephaistos hee-fays-tos, Achaean god of fire Herakles her-a-kleez, greatest Achaean hero Hermione hur-meye-o-nee, daughter of Menelaus and Helen Hesione he-seye-uh-nee, sister of Priam, wife of Telamon, mother of Teukros Hiera heye-eer-uh, wife of Telephus Hiketaon hi-ke-tay-on, Trojan elder Hippolochus hi-po-loh-kus, eldest son of the Trojan elder Antimachus Hippothous hi-po-thoh-us, son of Priam and Hekuba |
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eye-duh, mountain south of Troy, also the entire mountain range Idaean Gate eye-dee-an, gate in Troy's southern lower city wall Idaeus (1) eye-dee-us, Priam's herald Idaeus (2) eye-dee-us, son of Paris and Helen Idas eye-das, Achaean hero, an Argonaut Idomeneus eye-do-men-yoos, king of Crete Ikarius eye-kar-e-us, father of Penelope, brother of Tyndareus Ikarus i-ka-rus, ruler of Karia who bought Theonoe from pirates Iliona i-lee-oh-na, Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba Iolaus eye-oh-lay-us, king of Phylake, first Achaean to land at Troy during war Ilus eye-lus, founder of Trojan royal family, grandfather of Priam Iphigenia i-fi-je-neye-a, first daughter of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra Iphiklus eye-fi-klus, former Achaean king of Phylake, father of Iolaus Ithaka i-tha-ka, Achaean island ruled by Odysseus Jason jay-son, leader of the argonautic expedition for the Golden Fleece, king of Iolkus |
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Kaeneus kee-nyoos, androgynous hero buried alive in battle at Peirithous's wedding Kaikos kay-kos, river in Mysia Kalchas kal-kas, Trojan priest of the sun god, he joins the Achaeans Kallisto ka-lis-to Kalydon Ka-li-don, Achaean city in Aetolia ruled by Oeneus Karene ka-ree-nee, city near Troy Karia(ns) kayr-ee-a(nz), an area south of Troy, the people of that area Kar-duniash kar-dun-ee-ash Kassandra ka-san-druh, Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba, a seer, twin sister of Helenus Kastor kas-tor, Achaean brother of Helen, twin of Polydeukes Katreus kat-ryoos, maternal grandfather of Agamemnon, former king of Crete Kebriones ke-breye-o-neez, Trojan son of Priam by a secondary wife, Hektor's charioteer Kentaurs ken-taurz, tribe of men that holds horses as holy Kephisa ke-fee-sa, servant of Andromache Kikones ki-koh-neez, a people of Thrace north of Troy Kilissa ki-lis-uh, Achaean nurse of Orestes Killa kil-a, city near Troy Kinyras ki-ni-ras, Achaean king of Cyprus Kisseus kis-yoos, father of Theano Klymene kli-mee-nee, Achaean servant of Helen Klytemnestra kleye-tem-nes-tra, wife of Agamemnon, sister of Helen Klytius kli-tee-us, Trojan elder Kolchis kol-kis, rich land on the eastern edge of the Black Sea Kolophon ko-lo-fon, city in Pamphylia south of Troy Koon koh-on, Trojan son of Antenor and Theano Korythus koh-ree-thus, son of Oenone Kos kos, Achaean island Kreusa kree-oo-suh, eldest Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba, wife of Aeneas Krimo kreye-moh, Trojan daughter of Antenor and Theano Kusamenos koo-sa-mee-nos, a farmer in Lakedaemon Kyklopes kik-loh-peez, giant children of Earth and Sky Kyknos kik-nos, albino king of Kolonae, slain by Achilles Kyphus ky-fus, Achaean land ruled by Guneus |
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Laerkes lay-ur-keez, Achaean father of Alkimus Laertes lay-ur-teez, Achaean father of Odysseus Lakedaemon (1) la-ke-dee-mon, Achaean land ruled by Menelaus Lakedaemon (2) la-ke-dee-mon, grandson of Atlas, ancestor of Helen Lakedaemonian lak-e-dee-mon-ee-an, of the area ruled by Menelaus Laius lay-us, Achaean father of Oedipus, former king of Thebes Lampus lam-pus, Trojan elder Laodamas lay-o-da-mas, Trojan son of Antenor and Theano Laodike lay-o-di-kee, Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba Laomedon lay-o-me-don, father of Priam Larissa la-ris-a, city of the Pelasgians, allied to Troy Leda lee-da, mother of Helen Lemnos lem-nos, island northwest of Troy Lesbos lez-bos, island southwest of Troy Leukippe lyoo-kip-ee, Trojan sister of Kalchas and Pandarus, aunt of Cressida Leukophrys loo-koh-fris, former name of the island of Tenedos Lykia lik-ya, area south of Troy ruled by Sarpedon Lykian(s) lik-yan(z), a people south of Troy ruled by Sarpedon Lykomedes leye-ko-mee-deez, king of the island of Skyros, father of Deidamia |
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Machaon ma-kay-on, Achaean healer from Trikka, Podalirius's brother Maemalus mee-ma-lus, father of Pisander Maeonians mee-oh-nee-anz, a people near Lake Gyge east of Troy Medea me-dee-uh, daughter of King Aeetes of Kolchis, eloped with Jason to Iolkus, later found refuge with King Aegeus in Athens Medesikaste mee-des-i-kas-tee, Trojan daughter of Priam, wife of Imbrius Medon mee-don, bastard Achaean son of Oileus, half brother of Little Ajax Melampus me-lam-pus, Achaean cousin of Nestor Meleager me-lee-ay-ger, Achaean son of Oeneus, slayer of the Kalydonian boar Menelaus me-ne-lay-us, Achaean king of Lakedaemon, brother of Agamemnon Menestheus me-nes-thyoos, Achaean king of Athens Menesthius me-nes-thee-us, Myrmidon son of Borus, nephew of Achilles Menoetius men-ee-shus, Achaean father of Patroklus Mentora men-tor-a, city near Troy Messenia me-sen-ee-a, area ruled by Nestor Mestor mes-tor, prince of Troy Methone me-thoh-nee, city ruled by Philoktetes Minuus min-yoo-us, father of the Halizonian leaders Epistrophus and Odius Misri mis-ree Mnemon nee-mon, Achaean guide assigned to Achilles by Thetis Munitus moo-neye-tus, son of Laodike and Akamas Mycenae meye-see-nee, city of Agamemnon Mycenaean meye-see-nee-an, of the area ruled by Agamemnon Mygdon mig-don, leader of the Phrygians Myria meye-ree-a, alternate name for the area around Troy Myrmidons mur-mi-donz, Achilles's soldiers from Phthia Mysia mi-sha, area south of Troy where Telephus rules Mysians mi-shanz, people of the area south of Troy where Telephus rules |
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Nauplia naw-plee-uh, area ruled by Nauplius on coast of Argolid Nauplius naw-plee-us, Achaean father of Palamedes and Oeax, king of Nauplia Nea Andros nee-a an-dros, city near Troy Nea Chryse nee-a kreye-see, tiny island off the coast of Lemnos Neandrienses nee-an-dree-en-seez, people of Nea Andros Neleus neel-yoos, Achaean father of Nestor Neoptolemus nee-op-to-le-mus, Achaean son of Achilles and Deidamia (also called Pyrrhus) Nereid nee-ree-id, title of Thetis, the daughter of Nereus Nereids nee-ree-idz, nymphs of the sea Nereus nee-ree-us, Achaean god of ocean, reputed father of Thetis and grandfather of Achilles Nestor nes-tor, elderly Achaean king of Pylos, father of Thrasymedes and Antilochus Nykteus nik-tyoos Odius od-ee-us, co-leader of the Halizonians, allied to Troy Odysseus o-dis-yoos, Achaean king of Ithaka Oeax ee-ax, Achaean prince of Nauplia, brother of Palamedes Oeta ee-ta, mountain where Herakles burned upon a funeral pyre and his apotheosis took place, home of the Kalydonian boar Oedipus ed-i-pus or ee-di-pus, king of Thebes, grandfather/uncle of Thersander Oeneus een-yoos, grandfather of both Diomedes and Thoas, uncle of Thersites Oeno ee-noh, one of the three daughters of Anius of Delos Oenone ee-noh-nee, first lover of Paris, nymph of Mount Ida Oileus oh-eel-yoos, Achaean father of Little Ajax and Medon Olpides ol-peye-deez, Trojan servant of Paris Olympus oh-lim-pus, mountain in Greece where the Olympian gods live Omphale om-fa-lee, queen whom Herakles served for a year dressed as a female Opois o-poh-is, Achaean city Orchomenos or-ko-me-nus, Achaean city ruled by Askalaphus Orestes oh-res-teez, Achaean son of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra Orthrian orth-ree-an, of the dawn or morning, i. e. early |
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Paeonians pee-oh-nee-unz, people of the area northwest of Troy, beyond Thrace Palamedes pa-la-mee-deez, Achaean prince of Nauplia, cousin of Agamemnon, brother of Oeax Pandarus pan-da-rus, Trojan noble, brother of Kalchas, uncle of Cressida Panthous pan-thoh-us, Trojan elder, father of Polydamas and Euphorbus Paphlagonians pa-fla-goh-nee-anz, a people northeast of Troy Paris pa-ris, Trojan prince, lover of Helen Patara pa-tar-a, city in Lykia Patroklus pa-trok-lus, Achilles's closest Achaean companion Pedaeon pe-dee-on, area ruled by Imbrius Pedaeus pe-dee-us, Trojan son of Antenor and Theano Peirithous peye-rith-oh-us, Achaean hero, brother of Phisadie, father of Polypoetes Peleus peel-yoos, Achaean king of Phthia, father of Achilles Pelion pee-lee-on, mountain abode of Cheiron Pelops pel-ops, paternal grandfather of Agamemnon and Menelaus Peneleos pee-ne-lee-os, Achaean commander from Boeotia Penelope pe-nel-oh-pee, Achaean wife of Odysseus Periboea pe-ri-bee-uh, Achaean wife of Telamon, mother of Great Ajax Perseus per-syoos, king of Dardanus, husband of Philobia, Trojan ally Peteos pee-tee-os, father of Menestheus Phalis fay-lis, king of Sidon Phidippus feye-dip-us, Achaean from the island of Kos, grandson of Herakles Philaemon fi-lee-mon, Trojan son of Priam and a secondary wife Philenor feye-lee-nor, prince of Troy, son of Priam, charioteer of Troilus Philobia fi-loh-bee-a, wife of Trojan ally Perseus of Dardanus Philoktetes fi-lok-tee-teez, Achaean king of Methone, inheritor of Herakles's bow and arrows Philomela fi-loh-mee-luh, Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba Philomeleides fi-lo-me-lee-deez, a king on the island of Lesbos Phineus fin-yoos, relative of Hekuba Phisadie fi-si-deye-ee, Achaean servant of Helen, sister of Peirithoos Phoenicia fee-ni-sha, area on the coast of the Levant Phoenix (1) fee-niks, Achaean companion and tutor of Achilles Phoenix (2) fee-niks, son of Agenor Phrygia fri-ja, area northeast of Troy Phrygian(s) fri-jan(z), a people northeast of Troy Phthia ftheye-a, Achaean area ruled by Peleus, home of Achilles and the Myrmidons Phylake fi-la-kee, Achaean city ruled by Iolaus Pisander peye-san-der, a Myrmidon Pittheus pit-thyoos, Achaean king of Troezen, father of Aithra, uncle of Agamemnon and Menelaus Pleione pleye-oh-nee, lover of Atlas, ancestor of both Helen and the Trojan royal line Pleisthenes plee-is-the-neez, son of Helen and Menelaus, taken by Paris to Troy Podalirius po-da-leye-ree-us, Achaean healer from Trikka, brother of Machaon Podarge po-dar-jee, mare given to Peleus by the gods Podarkes (1) po-dar-keez, original name of Priam Podarkes (2) po-dar-keez, Achaean brother of Iolaus, subsequent commander of men of Phylake Poias poy-as, Achaean father of Philoktetes, companion of Herakles Poliphetes po-li-fee-teez, Trojan prejudiced against Cressida Polites po-leye-teez, prince of Troy, son of Priam and Hekuba Poliwos po-lee-wos, a farmer in Lakedaemon Polydamas po-li-da-mas, Trojan son of Panthous, companion of Hektor Polydeukes po-li-dyoo-keez, Achaean brother of Helen, twin of Kastor Polydora po-li-dor-a, sister of Achilles Polymestor po-li-mes-tor, ruler in Thrace Polyneikes po-li-neye-keez, son of Oedipus, father of Thersander Polypoetes po-li-pee-teez, son of Peirithous, nephew of Phisadie, Achaean king of the Lapiths of Argissa Polyxena poh-liks-ee-nuh, Trojan daughter of Priam and Hekuba Poseidon po-seye-don, Achaean god of earth and ocean Priam preye-am, king of Troy Prokleia pro-klee-uh, mother of Tennes and Hemithea, sister of Priam Protesilaus proh-tes-i-lay-us, posthumous name of Iolaus Pylaemenes pi-lee-me-neez, leader of the Paphlagonians Pylos peye-los, Achaean area ruled by Nestor Pyrrha peer-uh, Achilles's name in female disguise Pyrrhus peer-us, original name of son of Achilles and Deidamia, later called Neoptolemus |
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Rhodes rohdz, Achaean island ruled by Tlepolemus Salamis sa-la-mis, Achaean island ruled by Telamon Samothrake sam-o-thray-kee, island west of Troy, considered holy Sarabana sa-ra-bah-na, a city west of Troy Sarpedon sar-pee-don, king of Lykia Sidon seye-don, land on coast of the levant Sisyphus sis-i-fus, Corinthian hero who outwitted the gods and was sentenced to forever push a stone up a hill only to have it roll to the bottom when he neared the summit, sometimes called the father of Odysseus Skaean Gate skee-an, a gate of Troy Skyros skeye-ros, island ruled by Lykomedes Skythia ski-thee-a, area northeast of Troy across the Black Sea Sparta spar-tuh, Achaean city in Lakedaemon ruled by Menelaus Spercheus spur-kee-us, river in Phthia Spermo sper-moh, one of the three daughters of Anius of Delos Sthenelus sthen-e-lus, Achaean companion of Diomedes, co-commander of the forces from Argos and Tiryns |
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Talthybius tal-thi-bee-us, Achaean herald of Agamemnon Tantalus tan-ta-lus, great-grandfather of Agamemnon and Menelaus Tartarus tar-tar-us, the lowest underworld Tegea te-jee-a, Achaean city Telamon tel-a-mon, Achaean king of Salamis, father of Great Ajax and Teukros Telemachus te-le-mok-us, Achaean son of Odysseus and Penelope Telephus te-le-fus, king of Mysia, son of Herakles and Auge Telestes te-les-teez, Trojan son of Priam and a secondary wife Tenedan(s) ten-e-dan(z), people of the island of Tenedos Tenedos ten-e-dos, island just off the coast southwest of Troy Tennes ten-eez, king of Tenedos, brother of Hemithea, nephew of Priam Teukros tyoo-kros, Achaean half-brother of Great Ajax, son of Telamon and Hesione Teuthrania tyooth-rayn-ya, Mysian city Teuthranius tyooth-ran-yus, half-brother of Telephus Teuthras tyooth-ras, former king of Teuthrania Theano thee-ay-no, Trojan priestess of the wisdom goddess, wife of Antenor Thebans thee-banz, people of Thebes Thebes (1) theebz, city south of Troy ruled by Eetion Thebes (2) theebz, Achaean city ruled by Thersander Theonoe thee-on-oh-ee, Achaean sister of Kalchas and Pandarus, aunt of Cressida Thersander ther-san-der, Achean king of Thebes (2) Thersites ther-seye-teez, the ugliest Achaean, cousin of Diomedes Theseus thees-yoos, great Achaean hero, former king of Athens, son of Aithra, father of Akamas and Demophoon Thessalus thes-a-lus, Achaean father of Antiphus and Phidippus Thetis thee-tis, influential Achaean priestess, mother of Achilles, former wife of Peleus Thoas thoh-as, Achaean king of Aetolia Thrace thrays, area northwest of Troy, north of the Aegean Sea Thrasymedes thras-i-mee-deez, Achaean son of Nestor Thyestes theye-es-teez, Achaean brother of Atreus, uncle of Agamemnon and Menelaus Thymoetes theye-mee-teez, Trojan elder Tiryns tir-inz, Achaean city ruled by Diomedes Titans teye-tanz, elder gods, first children of Earth and Sky Tlepolemus tle-po-le-mus, Achaean king of Rhodes, a son of Herakles Trikka trik-a, Achaean city of Podalirius and Machaon Troezen tree-zin, Achaean city once ruled by Pittheus, birthplace of Aithra Troilus troy-lus, prince of Troy, son of Priam and Hekuba, lover of Cressida Tydeus teye-dyoos, father of Diomedes, one of the seven against Thebes Tyndareus tin-dar-yoos, father of Helen |
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Ukalegon yoo-kal-e-gon, Trojan elder Xanthus zan-thus, chariot horse of Achilles Zeus zyoos, Achaean god of thunder and sky |